Monday, June 26, 2006

And then.......

And then.......
Originally uploaded by ujima.

Still raining so hard as I reached the bus stop AND THEN I
realized I'd dropped my bus pass (Seniors ride free thanks to
lottery $$). Quickly (Don't miss the bus!) retraced my steps
back toward home. Saw my black leather pass holder lying
in a puddle of water on the tar-black street...Did all my errands
successfully AND THEN Sis called to say we had to take
Mom to the ER...We had only a short wait until they took
her back. AND THEN I spilled cappucino on my new linen
pants. AND THEN they said she'd had a small stroke. I
should have known because yesterday she'd asked me
whether I remembered her father and I told her my memories
of him. And today she said I hadn't put out her medicines but
they were all sitting there in the usual place... In the
waiting room, watching World Cup: Ukraine vs Switzerland, talking with a
guy from Columbia.AND THEN they said they were going to keep her
for a few days.She'll get some rest and they'll take away
her pain. I'll get some rest and prepare to take care of her
on a new level. Pray in your way for Katherine,
my sweet mom.

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