Saturday, June 24, 2006

Survivors' Walk

Survivors' Walk
Originally uploaded by ujima.

The Survivors' Walk ceremonies began at 7 pm. After a
welcoming message and remarks from a representative of
a local pol, each survivor came to the mike and gave
name and number of years surviving cancer. At 25
years, I was the longest survivor so I went first and
then went over to help with the banner.
The walk around the track was arduous in that muggy
weather, but the guy next to me kept everyone's
spirits up by singing and those with sufficient breath
sang along. Myself, I was thinking of the delcious
spread the ladies were putting out for us to eat and
so, my back didn't hurt as much.
And delish it was! Gigantic meatballs, homemade red
gravy and ziti, fresh rolls, brownies and, best of
all, *cream puffs*!!
I went home proud of the money I had raised ($1525),
happy to have seen old friends and to have made new
ones and savoring the fantastic meal.
Now to get close to a lager :)

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