Thursday, December 07, 2006


Infamy, originally uploaded by ujima.

Pearl Harbor Day known as "a day that will live in infamy". When I was in
Hawaii years ago, I visited the Pearl Harbor Museum and its monuments.
We first went into an auditorium and saw a film about the attack on
Pearl Harbor. I noticed a Japanese couple intently watching and
Later, after the boat ride out to the place where the sailors' bones still lie and a
visit to the stone monument, I noticed the Japanese couple in the
bookstore. I just *had* to ask what they were thinking. The thanked me
for doing so and informed me that they were Americans, third generation,
whose parents along with over 100,000+ Japanese-Americans were
interred, many of whose businesses, land and possessions were
sold at below cost at a moment's notice.
I thought of them today as I have often. I wonder if America had
a chance to again commit this crime against humanity if they would inter
Arab-Americans. What do you think?

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