Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Peace Wreath

The Peace Wreath, originally uploaded by ujima.

In November, Lisa Jensen of Pagosa
Springs, Colo., was told by her
homeowners' association she had to
remove a peace wreath from her front
door. Jensen refused. After the story
garnered national attention,
the association eventually relented.

When I read that story, I knew I had
to put up a peace wreath. I got this
balsa beauty online from a company
in Oregon. (Wasn't Jesus the Prince of Peace?)

Just decorating a little today. Went to an
afternoon church service because Mom
wanted to. Sis can't come out. She had
chemo on Thursday. We'll go over there
tomorrow. The Baltimore/Virginia crew'll
come on Tuesday. I'll be in Atlantic City
celebrating my birthday.

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