Friday, February 09, 2007

Ars Gratia Artis

Ars Gratia Artis, originally uploaded by ujima.

On February 9:
1952 - Author Ralph Ellison's novel Invisible Man wins the National Book Award.
1971 - Leroy "Satchel" Paige is inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.
1995 - Bernard Harris, African-American astronaut, takes space walk.

One of my computer students asked me yesterday why I bother to
post a picture and write a blog entry daily when no one reads it
and no one leaves a comment. I could not make her understand
how much I enjoy doing this.
Artists don't have to be $ucce$$ful. Just making any kind of art is
so fulfilling even if you're not the best or not even that good.
Of the three students, not one understood what I was saying.
Different strokes.

I still wear the t-shirts and carry the bag I bought at the march.
As I have many bags and 90 or 100 tees, they don't get much wear
and stay colorful.

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