Friday, February 23, 2007

Black History Showcase

Black History Showcase, originally uploaded by ujima.

On this day February 23:
1886 W.E.B. DuBois, scholar, activist, author, and noted for his
groundbreaking book, "The Souls of Black Folk," is born in
Great Barrington, Mass.
1925 Louis Stokes, the first Black member of Congress from
Ohio, is born in Cleveland, OH
1956 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. states at a mass meeting at
Dexter Ave Baptist Church that "...We must realize so many
people are taught to hate us that they are not totally
responsible for their hate..."

Resting up today for a full day at the showcase exhibit
tomorrow. Well, I'm really resting because I didn't come home
until 2:30 AM. The writing group @ the clubhouse was one
dimensional so I went over into the bar and hung out playing
darts, talking and drinking lager until the exhausted bartender
threw us all out because he could tell we'd never leave otherwise.

1 comment:

Ujima said...

Sorry. I wasn't able to access yout blog.